Through our relationship with Weird Fish and Boogaloos we are trying to create more awareness of seasonality. By keeping a seasonal menu we can keep things local, fresh and interesting (something that fine dining has known for years). Thanksgiving expresses the finest that the season has to offer. Traditional elements of a Thanksgiving meal (turkey, cranberries, potatoes, apples, onions, beans, and corn) reveal a true cross-section of seasonal foods from coast to coast. This is a time to truly revel in the freshness and flavors of autumn. Remember to support your local butcher and your local farmers when possible.
This holiday is one of those times that drive my imagination back through our collective consciousness to a primal scene in a time when humans' knowledge of their fate was indivisible from the fate of their crops. I am reminded of a time when people knew their food. While we are no less linked now that we were then, there is a vast separation of those simple yet vital relationships. We thank everyone who is here to help close that gap.
We send out a deep thank you to those that pioneer and evolve this food movement, to those that support and read this blog, to those who support our gardens, and to those that unfearingly are mending a tired system by creatively reviving time tested traditions. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Link of the week:
This week I was lucky enough to be given a mention in the SF Chronicle regarding the garden project. Although it was only a brief mention about the gardens, it is good to know that ears are open to what is happening in the Mission. This is a prime time to get involved with what we are doing. Please take part by spreading the word about Amyitis (pdavid.stockhausen@gmail.com, jessiealberts@gmail.com) if you know Mission District people that may be interested in joining our project. Happy reading!