So now we're putting out our feelers and looking for space. We ideally would like to find people that have unused space that they would be comfortable donating. I mean landscaping anyone? Not to mention front row seats to the ever-expanding food sustainability movement. In exchange for the space, the donors would have a weekly share of veggies and potentially some deals at the restaurants we serve. Now that is community! a direct link between producers, farmers, and restaurants.
So help us out. We need all the community we can get. IF you have space you'd donate, or know of space that is up for grabs, email us (email).
Fighting with Phood!!!
And now a word from our sponsors. Phood Fight Inc. is a company started by Peter Hood of Weird Fish, St, Francis Fountain, and Boogaloos. The Amyitis garden was initially funded by Phillip Bellber and Carolyn Blair but now Phood Fight is the company helping us to keep things going. In a way Phood Fight manages the way these restaurants use their products. We intend to insure that our restaurants are using the greenest and most sustainable solutions to restaurant materials and food. Look at it as Green Management if you will. We'll keep you posted on how it moves along.
I have decided to add a link of the week. We'll post links that we like related to local food related resources.
This week we liked Tablehopper is a really cool website for Bay area foodies, farmers and restaurateurs alike. Check it out and find a new place to grub!!
I don't know if this is pertinent or "useful" or whatever, but I just thought I'd like you to know that Rudy Guiliani is way into a manned mission to Mars. If you San Franciscans can get behind this guy, I'm pretty sure Mars has got lots of space for growing aurugula!
Hey Guys!
I've been following your garden progress. It's really fantastic and totally inspiring! Your latest post reminds me of an artist that I've recently come into contact with: Fritz Haeg. He has this project called "edible estates" which involves helping people to turn their front lawns into food producing gardens! Sounds like what you are interested in - here's his site, maybe it will give you some ideas:
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